Burns is one of the most burns injuries that need to be addressed common medical emergency. Burns occur when the skin is exposed to contact with something hot, like a fire or hot water, or when exposed to a source such as the sun generates heat. It may also occur due to the burning of certain chemicals (such as acids and alkaline substances) or electricity or friction. The resulting so-called scalding liquid boiled or steamed hot, and can be treated in the same way that we deal with the burn. Divide burns into three categories usually, depending on the degree of injury to the skin; Vaharouk surface (or burns first class) are those burns that infect the skin's surface, Vtjolh reddish and swollen and painful, and can handle this type of burns in the home, which heal within a week to ten usually days. The partial thickness burns, The (second-degree burns) or full (third-degree burns) is far more serious, you need medical care. Should request emergency medical assistance in all cases of burning chemical, electrical; For thermal burns (hot liquids, steam, hot), you should seek medical help in cases of burns deep and wide, especially children under the age of five and pregnant women. Thermal burns burns boiling water (scalding): procedures to ensure the safety of the site, with the protection of self and others and the injured, with the removal of the injured from the source of the burn. Removal of clothing and jewelry that were not attached to the skin. Place cooling the burn with cold water (but not ice cold) as soon as possible, where the ejaculate water for at least 10 minutes. Place cover the burn dressing sterile material from non-fluff, such as ribbon or plastic bandage, while avoiding put ointments on the burn. Raise the party, if appropriate, to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. If left burning painful, can eat a sedative light, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, but after reading the leaflet attached medical medicine to know the proper dosage and precautions to be taken when taking the drug; example, must be dealt with ibuprofen after meals, and may not be dealing with a patient with cirrhosis paracetamol liver only after the approval of a physician. May not intervene in the burn or puncture the bubbles formed because of it. Call an ambulance and request medical assistance, unless the wound is very simple. Sunburn: the procedures followed when observing any signs of sunburn, such as redness of the skin and Sgunth and Elamh, must go to the shade, preferably in the indoor place. Bathing in cold water or cold water stream on the burn area. Ointment applied sunscreen on the affected area of the skin to hydrate and cool and relieve pain. But may not use lotions oily or fatty. In the case of pain, must be addressed Albarsatamol or ibuprofen, with a commitment to the instructions contained in the newsletter pharmaceutical attached. But, it may not give aspirin to children under the age of sixteen. Maintain the water body by drinking plenty of water. Watch for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, and that's when the internal temperature rises to 37-40 m or more. These signs include dizziness or speed up the heartbeat or vomiting. Chemical burns chemical burns the skin: make sure the safety of the site, with the protection of self and others and the injured, and nominally on the chemical causing the burn. Try to identify the cause of the burning material. Stripping, which spilled out of the chemical, with attention to avoid self-harm or others, by wearing protective clothing and gloves when necessary. Try to remove the chemical powder for brushing the skin if it is the cause of injury, and then rinse with cold water and place burning and a neighbor for at least 20 minutes. If burning sensation remained severe, can be re-stream water on the burning place for several additional minutes. Place cover the burn dressing sterile material from non-fluff, such as ribbon or plastic bandage, while avoiding put ointments on the burn. Raise the party, if appropriate, to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Call an ambulance and request medical assistance, unless the wound is very simple. Chemical burns to the eye: the severity of the burn depends chemical material causing an eye on him, and on the duration of stay in contact with the eye, and the method of treatment. However, the damage is limited to the front section of the eye normally, including the cornea (the front surface of the transparent and responsible for clear vision) and conjunctiva (the layer that covers the white part of the eye), may stretch injury to the internal parts of the eye such as the lens or body crystalline. The burns that penetrate the eye is the most dangerous of these burns, where the cause of cataract (cataract) and glaucoma (high eye pressure). Symptoms include pain, redness, irritability and frequent tears and the inability to open the eye and a sense of something strange and swelling of the eyelids and blurred vision. Initial proceedings followed: the site to ensure the safety of the patient and others. The first step in the treatment of chemical injuries to the eye on Aroaúha profusely with cold water or normal saline solution, or solvents to quench a private eye, if any. Continue Baroa eye for at least 10 minutes before any other action. Perfusion can be a machine gun under the bathroom. Attention to the presence of the chemical on the other parts of the body, and to deal with them as stated in the treatment of chemical burns to the skin. Request emergency medical assistance. Electrical burns may not look serious electrical burns, but it may be severe damage. Therefore, you must request emergency medical assistance in all cases. Do not try to reach the injured, which is still in contact with the voltage source. If the victim has damaged electricity, disconnect the power source it safely, or drag a person from the place by using material non-carriers of electricity, such as a wooden stick or a wooden chair ... etc., and prefers to stand the person who is the ministry of the injured on the surface of the insulator, wooden or plastic. If found to be infected by burning electricity had lost consciousness, you must follow the steps of CPR. Must be requested emergency medical assistance no matter how simple injury.
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