About the disease and its definition: The process of tonsillectomy, scraping Namyat process is widespread, especially in children. It can help this process on the prevention of recurrence of tonsillitis, and perhaps reduce the inflammation of the middle ear. The reason most frequently encountered for tonsillectomy is Althabhma recurrent tonsillitis makes swallowing painful and difficult. In case of frequent infections or in the case of non-response to inflammation or infection of antimicrobials, the doctor thinks tonsillectomy. Can lead Namyat magnitude and clogging the horn to frequent infection in the ear and hearing loss in children. This may lead to problems in talking to them. Always preferred to be tonsillectomy and Namyat under general anesthesia. It is natural that the patient feels pain in the throat for a week or two weeks after the operation. However, it is important that the patient drink plenty of fluids even if painful swallowing, in order to protect the child from dehydration. A glimpse anatomical tonsils are glands are to be found deep in the mouth on both sides, and are part of the body's immune system, and helping to resist infection. There Namyat behind the soft palate, which is the upper section of the rear roof of the mouth. Namyat and is part of the body's immune system as well. There is the soft palate in the back of the mouth, which is hanging from the middle palate. There corridor behind the soft palate up between the mouth and nose. Eustache clarion up the middle ear with the nasopharynx, which helps maintain a homogeneous pressure inside the ear. Can it closes clarion Eustache If swelling and inflammation around Namyat In this case, can be filled with pus and cause inflammation of the middle ear. This is what can lead to a decrease in hearing sometimes. Symptoms and reasons why the most watched in the case of necessity tonsillectomy is Althabhma repeated. And Tonsillitis is an infection in the throat occur in the tonsils. Tonsillitis causes fever and severe pain in the throat usually, and swallowing becomes painful and difficult. Is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils or if a serious event: five times a year or more. Three times a year or more in two consecutive years. Symptoms of inflammation do not respond to antibacterials. Can be amplified even blocks that touch the tonsils, and we call this situation "Almtlathmtin tonsils." Another reason for tonsillectomy is the formation of an abscess on the amygdala. The abscess is a pus-filled bag. This situation is rare, but the reason for requiring a tonsillectomy. Could lead recurrent infection in the middle ear because of the blockage and inflated Namyat clarion Eustache to a shortage in the hearing. This is what can cause problems in pronunciation when the baby sometimes. Therefore, you can make the process of leveling Namyat to prevent middle ear infection. Can cause enlarged tonsils or Namyat difficulty in breathing during sleep. This condition is called apnea during sleep. The tonsillectomy, scraping Namyat removes the blockage, and cures of apnea during sleep. Diagnosis and treatment are being addressed tonsillitis and otitis media with anti-bacteria normally. But, if you did not treat tonsillitis, it has affected other organs in the body, such as the heart and kidneys. Process aims tonsillectomy to remove them, as the process of leveling Namyat aims to be removed. The surgeon may decide to conduct operations together or make just one operation. If you fail antimicrobials in the treatment of tonsillitis and otitis media, can be used to process tonsillectomy; This process can reduce the number of times tonsillitis and otitis media. Before tonsillectomy, scraping Namyat, can ask the doctor for blood tests to know: Is the blood is able to clot properly. Is it normal platelet counts. The doctor confirmed through blood tests that there would be a plus hemorrhage after surgery; The area of the mouth tend to bleed more than others, if the blood does not clot properly and platelet count was low, the risk of bleeding is high. Operation performed tonsillectomy, scraping Namyat under general anesthesia, which means that the patient is asleep during the operation. The surgeon removes the tonsils and Namyat in many ways. It also discusses the surgeon with the patient roads to be adopted. After the end of the process, is stop the bleeding, and the patient is taken to the recovery room. And recovery after the operation, the patient wakes up, and given drugs that relieve pain and swelling. When the patient recovers from the operation, he can go home. Risks and complications of the risks and complications with regard to anesthesia, including with regard to this process specifically. The anesthesiologist or nurse anesthesia discussing the risks of anesthesia with the patient in detail. The risks associated with surgery tonsillectomy, scraping Namyat is the risk of bleeding and infection, but they are very rare. Should call the doctor immediately if: Event bleeding red Gan for more than a minute to two minutes. Patient's temperature rose above 39 degrees. The patient has persistent pain restless despite taking medications. After the surgery is the process of tonsillectomy and Namyat easy operation on the patient. The pain can be mild throat after the operation. It is important to control bleeding after tonsillectomy; If the patient is a lot of repetition of the swallowing reflex, this may be an indication of the place of surgical bleeding; It is important to repeat the examination of the oral cavity in the first few days after the operation. Easier for the patient to have a fluid and cold food. It is important to have the patient plenty of fluids, even if swallowing difficult, and so it does not catch the drought. In normal cases, the child is suffering from throat pain for a week after the operation.
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